The following are questions that have recently come through the AAP Coding Hotline. If you have questions that need to be answered, please call the hotline at 800/433-9016, ext 4022, or e-mail This is a free member service.

I am called to the delivery room to attend the birth of a newborn who is at 34 weeks’ gestation. At birth, the neonate has low Apgar scores and requires bag-and-mask ventilation. The newborn fails to sustain respiration and is intubated and taken to the special care nursery. May I report the intubation in addition to the resuscitation?

Yes, you may report 31500 in addition to the newborn resuscitation code (99440) because this procedure was performed as an integral part of the resuscitation. Code 99440 includes a rapid visual assessment of the infant, drying, suctioning, supplemental oxygen, and positive-pressure ventilation with or without chest compressions. If additional procedures are performed...

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