Results From Survival Analyses Modeling the Effect of Sexual Minority Status on First Age at Suicide Ideation and Behavior and Progressions From Ideation to Plan and From Plan to Attempt

TotalEventCensored (Weighted %)Model 1Model 2
Full-time Period, HR (95% CI)Younger Age (<15 y), HR (95% CI)Early Progression (Same Year), HR (95% CI)Older Age (≥15 y), HR (95% CI)Late Progression (≥1 y), HR (95% CI)Time-Varying Effect, P
Time to first ideation 1771 208 1563 (86.2) 1.77 (1.03–3.06)a 2.74 (1.25–6.02)a — 1.04 (0.49–2.22) — .10 
Time to first plan 1771 92 1679 (94.0) 2.69 (1.30–5.56)a 4.68 (1.81–12.07)a — 1.58 (0.53–4.67) — .12 
Time to first attempt 1771 81 1690 (94.2) 1.46 (0.66–3.22) 3.26 (1.25–8.47)a — 0.59 (0.21–1.66) — .02a 
Progression from ideation to plan 208 91 117 (57.5) 1.81 (0.90–3.67) — 2.01 (1.07–3.77)a — 1.33 (0.26–6.77) .60 
Progression from plan to attempt 92 57 35 (36.2) 1.07 (0.55–2.07) — 1.08 (0.61–1.91) — 1.02 (0.18–5.85) .10 
TotalEventCensored (Weighted %)Model 1Model 2
Full-time Period, HR (95% CI)Younger Age (<15 y), HR (95% CI)Early Progression (Same Year), HR (95% CI)Older Age (≥15 y), HR (95% CI)Late Progression (≥1 y), HR (95% CI)Time-Varying Effect, P
Time to first ideation 1771 208 1563 (86.2) 1.77 (1.03–3.06)a 2.74 (1.25–6.02)a — 1.04 (0.49–2.22) — .10 
Time to first plan 1771 92 1679 (94.0) 2.69 (1.30–5.56)a 4.68 (1.81–12.07)a — 1.58 (0.53–4.67) — .12 
Time to first attempt 1771 81 1690 (94.2) 1.46 (0.66–3.22) 3.26 (1.25–8.47)a — 0.59 (0.21–1.66) — .02a 
Progression from ideation to plan 208 91 117 (57.5) 1.81 (0.90–3.67) — 2.01 (1.07–3.77)a — 1.33 (0.26–6.77) .60 
Progression from plan to attempt 92 57 35 (36.2) 1.07 (0.55–2.07) — 1.08 (0.61–1.91) — 1.02 (0.18–5.85) .10 

Two models were conducted for each suicide outcome. In model 1, the time-invariant effect of sexual minority status on the suicide outcome was examined. In model 2, the time-varying effect of sexual minority status on the suicide outcome was examined. All models were adjusted for age, race and/or ethnicity, family affluence, and depressive symptoms. —, not applicable.


Significant findings.

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